Matora and Me is created by Kate. Kate is a proud Awabakal and Guringai woman, living, creating and teaching on Dhawaral Country in the Illawarra. She was born, raised and developed my love of nature, culture and art on Wiradjuri Country in Wagga Wagga.
Her passion started after the passing of both her grandparents, the desire and need to document her family tree and share her story felt incredibly strong.
Description: No matter your age, circumstance, or situation there is always the opportunity to begin again. To turn a corner and go in a completely different direction. The water flows always towards bigger things, a creek to a river and the river to the sea. Just like water we too can change our direction and flow towards what makes our souls sing and come alive.
Her passion started after the passing of both her grandparents, the desire and need to document her family tree and share her story felt incredibly strong.
Description: No matter your age, circumstance, or situation there is always the opportunity to begin again. To turn a corner and go in a completely different direction. The water flows always towards bigger things, a creek to a river and the river to the sea. Just like water we too can change our direction and flow towards what makes our souls sing and come alive.